About us

Hiris was established in March 2020 with a clear mission: to enhance health, improve quality of life, and promote the social and economic sustainability of the healthcare system through innovation.

We collaborate with industry stakeholders, healthcare organizations, patients, professionals, and the most influential opinion leaders in the sector. Our goal is to jointly and innovatively address the most complex challenges facing the healthcare system.

Hiris nace en marzo de 2020 con un claro compromiso: ayudar a mejorar la salud, la calidad de vida y la sostenibilidad social y económica del sistema sanitario a través de la innovación.

Trabajamos para la industria, las organizaciones de salud, junto con los pacientes, profesionales y líderes de opinión más influyentes del sector, para poder ofrecer conjuntamente y de forma innovadora solución a los problemas más complejos del sistema sanitario.

We work to develop and communicate knowledge and innovative solutions, creating the legal, political, financial, and organizational environments needed to achieve our clients’ goals.

Mission and values


Our mission is to create value for patients and healthcare organizations by transforming information into knowledge, and knowledge into efficient, cost-effective public policies and innovative solutions.








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